Saturday, September 21, 2013

Party Time!!!

So apparently having a birthday means you get to party. And that is just pretty darn cool. My day started out pretty typical.

I read some books:

And wandered around:

But when I woke up from my afternoon nap, there was all sorts of fun stuff up:

I had fun investigating all the festivities around the house.

Mommy wanted my picture under that sign thing...but I thought running away sounded more fun.
Then people started to come over!

Then they told me it was time for presents. 

 But I thought Mommy & Daddy did a fine job of opening presents and I just played with stuff.

Chomp chomp chomp!
 However, then someone told me there was cake.
 It was kind of like when we have spaghetti because I got to take off my clothes and just be in my diaper. But then we went outside, and there were a bunch of people watching me.
They sang me a song!
 And then I finally got cake.
 Best. thing. ever.


You must all be jealous of me and my cake. 
This is amazing.

Whatever dudes, you can watch me all you want, I'm not sharing.

One year ago

One year old froggy

Happy birthday indeed.

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